Mount Rushmore: America’s Most Iconic Landmark

by | Oct 14, 2022 | Things To Do | 0 comments

Take a drive through the Black Hills of South Dakota and you’ll see it: Mount Rushmore, one of America’s most iconic landmarks. For over 75 years, tourists have flocked to this granite cliff to see the faces of Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln carved into its side.

The sculptures at Mount Rushmore National Monument tell the story of the United States of America – its birth; its growth; its development; and its preservation.

Surrounded by the beauty of the Black Hills of South Dakota, the monument is a popular tourist destination. Each year, millions of people visit Mount Rushmore to view these impressive sculptures and learn about the history of the United States.

A Quick History of Mount Rushmore

The idea of a massive sculpture carved into the side of a mountain is attributed to South Dakota State Historian Doane Robinson, who was trying to think of creative ways to bring tourists into the state.

After securing the support of sculptor Gutzon Borglum in 1925, Doane, along with other prominent South Dakota leaders, was able to get Congressional approval and begin to raise funds for the project. They were able to get enough funding, including $250,000 from the federal government, to start the construction of Mount Rushmore.

After years of planning and preparation, the sculptors began their task of carving the mountain into a monument on October 4th, 1927. The sheer size of the project meant that progress would be slow.

When Gutzon Borglum began carving Mount Rushmore, he originally intended to depict the presidents from the waist up. However, due to a lack of funds, only the heads were completed.

Borglum continued working on the mountain until his death in 1941. By that time, America was on the brink of involvement in World War II, and work on the mountain came to a halt. Although Borglum did not live to see his work completed, the four presidents’ faces have become an iconic symbol of America.

On October 31, 1941, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the presidential proclamation that officially designated the Mount Rushmore National Memorial a completed project, 14 years after the groundbreaking ceremony had been held.

Today, Mount Rushmore is one of the most popular tourist destinations in America. It has grown from being a symbol of freedom and opportunity, into an iconic image that represents America.

The Presidents

The four presidents that were chosen to represent the nation’s birth, growth, and development helped shape our country in very important ways. They all played key roles in helping America grow into what it is today.

George Washington led the American Revolutionary War, and he was the father of the new country and the founder of American democracy. Washington was chosen to represent the birth of the United States, and because of his importance, Borglum chose him as the most prominent figure on the mountain.

The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson, inspiring democracies around the world. In the 18th century, he bought the Louisiana Territory from France. This doubled the size of our country and includes fifteen present-day states. Gutzon Borglum selected Jefferson to represent the growth of the United States.

The leadership of Theodore Roosevelt helped to spur economic growth as America moved into the 20th century. The building of the Panama Canal was his proudest achievement, it linked the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. He fought against corrupt businesses in order to protect the rights of average working people. Roosevelt is the representative of the country’s growth.

The United States of America was able to hold on to its unity during the American Civil War thanks to Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln thought that his greatest duty was the preservation of the Union and also had a firm belief in the abolishment of slavery. Lincoln was chosen as a symbol for preservation by Borglum.

Things To Do

While many people come to simply experience the majesty of Mount Rushmore, there are plenty of other things to do in the area.

Visitors can explore the Sculptor’s Studio, hike the Presidential Trail, attend the Evening Lighting Ceremony, or become a Junior Ranger.

For those who want to learn more about the history and making of Mount Rushmore, there are several ranger-led programs and talks available.

And no visit to Mount Rushmore would be complete without enjoying some Thomas Jefferson Ice Cream or finding a unique souvenir at one of the gift shops.

Mount Rushmore National Memorial

When to Visit

The National Park Service estimates more than two million people visit the memorial each year. This modern-day marvel is visited by young and old, national and international visitors each year.

June through August tend to be the busiest months while May, September, and October are usually less busy but still popular months to visit as well.

The busiest times of the day are generally around 9:00 am to 3:30 pm, so if you don’t want many people around, it would be wise to arrive earlier or later.

Reservations are not required to visit the memorial.

Traveling With Pets?

The park would like to accommodate the needs of pet owners as much as possible, but due to the large amounts of people who visit every day they are also concerned about the safety of all guests and wildlife.

In order to ensure that everyone is kept safe, owners can only take their pets on a leash no longer than six feet in the parking garage and its surrounding areas. This includes all outdoor areas as well.

Mount Rushmore National Memorial welcomes service animals to accompany visitors with disabilities in the open areas of the memorial. Service animals are defined as any that is trained to do specific work or tasks for people with disabilities.

All other animals fall under the park’s pet regulations and are not allowed past the entrance. This includes service animals that are in training and comfort animals.

How To Get There

Where To Park

The parking garage is conveniently located and a ticket buys you entry to come back any time during the year. Overnight parking is not allowed at any time.

Can You Take Drone Pictures?

Be aware that drones are not permitted in Mount Rushmore National Memorial. You cannot launch, land, or operate any remotely piloted aircraft from within the boundaries of this park.

Mount Rushmore National Monument

Mount Rushmore is definitely worth a visit if you’re ever in the area. And if you can’t make it to South Dakota, don’t worry—you can check out this amazing landmark from anywhere in the world thanks to Mount Rushmore’s webcam. Leave a comment below and let us know what your favorite part of Mount Rushmore is.